John Bissell

The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA) appointed John Bissell as Executive Director in September 2023.
As Executive Director, John supports CILA’s Executive Committee. John also guides the CILA Council, which comprises Chartered Loss Adjusters and Council members elected to represent 18 focus areas and special interest groups.
John’s responsibilities include working with CILA’s leadership team to build upon the institute’s successes in qualifications, professional standards, and technical knowledge. He also drives forward its diversity, equity, and inclusion programmes alongside increasing industry engagement and awareness with key stakeholders, including government and policymakers.
As an accomplished Executive Director with extensive experience within the insurance industry, John has held several high-profile leadership and board-level roles in the UK and internationally.
Most recently as Chief Operating Officer of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), a role he held between 2017-2023, John took responsibility for finance, technology, business operations, customer services and facilities. He was also on the CII Group Board of Directors and Chair of overseas subsidiaries. He led the CII’s primary strategic change agenda, which included change programmes across IT and digital transformation.
John has also held several leadership and board-level roles at Acord, Pro-Global Insurance Solutions Plc, Capita Insurance Services, Miller Insurance Services and Aviva Plc.
Contact John for
Contact John if you have questions about the governance of the Institute, need a spokes person for the profession or have a collaboration for the Institute.
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