The CILA Construction, Energy & Engineering SIG committee brings together a group of individuals who specialise in the handling of construction, energy and engineering claims.
The CILA Construction, Energy & Engineering SIG committee brings together a group of individuals who specialise in the handling of construction, energy and engineering claims. They provide a fascinating insight into the complex challenges involved and actively promote collaboration with other industry groups. The group regularly hosts well attended lectures in London which cover a diverse range of subjects and often with the opportunity for audience questions to a panel of experts.
Adam Humphrey
Global Risk Solutions
Frederick Aloo
Cunningham Lindsey (Kenya)
Alex Benson
Lloyd Warwick International (Singapore)
Simon Earnshaw
Peter Green
Rick Hartley
Richard Hartley Partnership Ltd
Julie-Anne Headington
Channel Island Adjusters
Chris Minter-Owen
John Pyall
Munich Re
Mike Roberts
Charles Taylor
Mark Williams
INDECS Consulting Ltd
SIG Sponsor
Latest updates
Control Demolition to Control your Claim
Are you planning demolition works as part of a claim? In this paper Erik Wetzler of Envista Forensics provides advice on how to save undamaged elements of a building.
The writer outlines the fundamentals of building foundations, including deep and shallow foundations, and their connection to columns and framing within a building. The paper highlights the types of issues that can arise through demolition works, with reference to rebar, holding-down and anchor bolts and the use of heavy machinery. The writer shares his dos and don’ts of demolition and provides advice on how to approach demolition works.
pdfDownload Control Demolition to Control your Claim (494 KB)
Product recall claims in the downstream oil and gas sector
This paper discusses product recall claims in the downstream oil and gas sector, highlighting the potential for claim complexities and significant costs.
The writer outlines the typical cover that is provided by product recall insurance, the circumstances in which a claim can be made and the challenges for manufacturers in this sector when a product is found to be defective. The writer considers policy extensions such as Dismantling and Assembly, Testing and Sorting and Impaired Property Endorsements. Common policy exclusions are also discussed, including breach of legal obligations and contractual liability.
pdfProduct recall claims in the downstream oil and gas sector – Ian Woodhead (602 KB)
How long is a Life Cycle? – Presentations
On 3rd June, CILA’s CEE SIG held a lecture at the Lloyd’s Old Library to discuss the technical, legal and insurance implications of electrical and mechanical failures affecting wind turbines.
Adam Humphrey, Chairman of the CEE SIG opened the event and introduced the speakers, namely, Claus Hein and Truels Kjer of Codan, David Phillips of Kennedys Law, and Mamoon Alyah of LWG Consulting. The presentations were followed by networking drinks sponsored by LWG Consulting.
The presentations from the event can be viewed below:
CILA & AIRMIC Seminar – Building Information Modelling – Presentations
On 19th February Kennedys kindly sponsored an afternoon seminar for CILA & AIRMIC members on the subject of Building Information Modelling (BIM). There is growing interest in BIM as parties work towards the government’s aim for all public sector construction projects to adopt, as a minimum, collaborative Level 2 BIM by 2016.
Gary Holbrook from BAM Construction UK and the AIRMIC Construction SIG opened the event and introduced his colleague, Phil Palmer, who provided an overview of BIM and showed examples of how a 3D virtual design model of a building is created and used in practice. May Looi, Senior Associate at Kennedys, then explored the potential impact of BIM on contracts. May highlighted issues such as whether the virtual models are mentioned in contracts, limitations on reliance and responsibility, interoperability of hardware and software and the responsibilities of the BIM Information Manager/Co-ordinator. John Farrell, Partner at Kennedys, then discussed the potential vulnerabilities of BIM to a cyber-attack and provided examples of what might be compromised as a result.
The event was concluded by Mike Skingsley of Crawford and Company and the CILA Construction, Energy & Engineering SIG. Mike outlined what BIM might mean for Insurers and noted that professional indemnity and cyber risks appear to be the main areas of focus at present.
The presentations from the event can be viewed below:
Searching for SIG material?
Have a look in the CILA Technical library. Papers and presentations that were previously produced by our SIGs are often filed there for the benefit of members.